Friday, February 27, 2015

Kenya church needs

Dear prophetic team:
Pastor Lenny Maritiam in Kenya is building a new church. He has 80% of the money and is building as Jesus increases them by numbers and money. He has asked us too seek The Lord's Heart, and Hear What The Spirit says too do next....

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

End Time Talk, by Tommy Hicks

Wilmington group publishers "The Smith Wigglesworth Prophecy and The Great Revival of All Time," book.

This book of three men used by God, too speak in their times of things God will do, has been written so as they, and all after, would be enlightened.  Some where for days as He used them, and some He spoke too them would be in our days, and our children.
Being informed by God is the motive behind what they shared. Our searching these things out, pondering them in our hearts, and submitting ourselves too God too bring them forward in our lives as part of His Plan for us, in our times.


John Paul Jackson-Dreams and Visions-1of15